I AM: Complete Week Seven - Day Four


I AM: Complete Week Seven - Day Four

By Central Women

We have learned that our identity is in Christ alone, no matter our struggles or what has been stripped from us or done to us. Our eternal identity, our belonging, our inheritance, our relationship with the Father can never be taken from us. Our identity in Jesus is unshakable. He makes us complete.

God’s Word proclaims we are completely His, completely loved, accepted, forgiven, completely favored, chosen, made clean, set free and fully known, completely equipped, gifted and completely called to live our lives for Him and with Him.

Our Identity is unshakable because of who God is

and what He’s done for us.

Who exactly is He that makes our identity unshakable? Jesus.

He is over all and in all. Jesus is the Lord, is King of the universe, Creator of all things, Giver of life, Healer and Just.

He is the First and the Last. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, to save us, to make way for us to be in heaven with God.

He died to set us free. To set you free.

He died to demonstrate His love toward us.

But this isn’t the end of the story.

He rose again from the dead to demonstrate His mighty power over everything. This is the very same God that loves you and me. This is the God who is reminding us of where our unshakable identity comes from, fully rooted in Him and all that He is, that words can barely begin to describe.

We are complete in Him, lacking nothing because He died for us and now lives in us.

God is the ultimate picture of wholeness and we are connected to Him in every ounce of our being.

We see the Lord making lives complete all throughout Scripture.

Moses feels inadequate in speech, incomplete, and God gives him support and uses him exponentially.

Rahab is a prostitute and feels unworthy, but God chooses to use her to hide the spies, redeems her life and places her in the family line of Jesus. God sees her worth, her purpose, restores her and sees her as complete, lacking nothing.

We see God’s heart for making lives whole when He speaks to the woman at the well. Jesus says to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13)

He sees her value and worth and is offering her eternal life.

What does all of this tell us about the heart and character of God?

He not only cares about our eternity with Him but He also deeply cares about the lives we are living today. He wants us to experience a full life, an abundant life, a soul that is flooded with a spring of water from His living spirit alive in each of us.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

You are complete…because of who God is, who He says that you are and your faith in Him. He solidifies it, makes it so secure that no matter what happens on this earth, no matter how big we fail or succeed.

Our identity in Christ can never be taken from us, not even by death. And certainly not by social media or the cravings of the flesh. On earth everything can be taken from us, nothing is certain and we are distracted on every front, which is why He anchors us to Himself – something unshakable.

We can lose our car, our home, our stuff, friendships, or our loved ones. We can even lose our focus on Jesus. Yet our unshakable identity remains completely secure in Jesus, in Christ alone.

The good news about our identity is that ultimately it has nothing to do with us. There is nothing we have in our past, present, or future which can separate us from Him. Our identity is unshakeable because of the depth of His sacrifice and the power of His love.

When our identity is shaken, we have likely either made it about lesser things, or we are, in part, denying the power and magnitude of the cross. My prayer for you is that your identity would be found in Jesus making you fully confident and complete in Christ.


What has stood out to you about who God is?

Take time to reflect on what you have learned about God’s character and who He says you are. Write a journal entry, a poem, or a song about the truth of who God is and how He and your identity are unshakable. Here are some verses to help get you started: Ephesians 1:3-14, Colossians 1:15-20, any of the Psalms.

Write your own prayer thanking and praising God for who He is and what He is teaching you about being complete.
